Engineering Resources: Organizations Dedicated to Supporting Engineers
Engineering Resources That Make a Difference
We have the privilege of working with many brilliant engineers on a daily basis.
However, we now find ourselves working with engineers from a wide variety of industries.
Most importantly, when working with engineers, you need to bring your “A” game with every conversation.
Characteristics of engineers: Analytical. Creative. Visionary. Out of the box thinkers. Determined.
Above all, engineers work relentlessly to solve a problem. They never give up until their product works.
Subsequently, there are a number of valuable engineering resources to consider as you seek engineering information.
Therefore, we complied a list of engineering resources hopefully you find helpful. Organizations dedicated to further promoting engineers and the engineering profession.
Lastly, click on any of the headings below to go directly to each website.
Engineering Resources is the place for curious minds to discover and share the best in engineering. We focus our passion & energy on three major activities: Stories — Discussions — Projects offers a Projectboard, a vibrant forum, a section covering games, as well as a job board and much more. Check out of post next week to learn more about
ABET = Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology, Inc.
At ABET, our purpose is to assure confidence in university programs in STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) disciplines. Additionally, the standards we set and the quality we guarantee, inspires confidence in those who aim to build a better world. One that is safer, more efficient, more comfortable and more sustainable.
We accredit college and university programs in the disciplines of applied and natural science, computing, engineering and engineering technology at the associate, bachelor’s and master’s degree levels. With ABET accreditation, students, employers and the society we serve can be confident that a program meets the quality standards that produce graduates prepared to enter a global workforce. We began as the educational standard against which professional engineers in the United States were held for licensure.
UES = United Engineering Society
The United Engineering Foundation Inc. (UEF) is the successor organization to the United Engineering Society (UES) which was founded in 1904 with the generous support of Andrew Carnegie. The members of the UEF are the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE), American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers (AIME), American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), American Society of Mechanical Engineers, as well as the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).
VISION: To advance the engineering arts and sciences for the welfare of humanity. MISSION: To support engineering and education by, among other means, making grants.
NSPE = National Society of Professional Engineers
In 1934, a group of professional engineers met in New York City to establish an organization dedicated to the non-technical concerns of licensed professional engineers. The National Society of Professional Engineers stands today as the only national organization committed to addressing the professional concerns of licensed PEs across all disciplines
Vision: NSPE is a member-centric, nimble, future-focused and responsive organization, serving as the recognized voice and advocate of licensed Professional Engineers.
Mission: NSPE, in partnership with the State Societies, is the organization of licensed Professional Engineers (PEs) and Engineer Interns (EIs).
Industry Specific Engineering Resources
AIAA = American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Our purpose is to ignite and celebrate aerospace ingenuity and collaboration, and its importance to our way of life. Our promise is to be your vital lifelong link to the aerospace community as well as a champion for its achievements.
One Remarkable Fact Says It All: Since 1963, members from a single professional society have achieved virtually every milestone in modern American flight. That society is the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. With more than 30,000 individual members from 88 countries, and 95 corporate members, AIAA is the world’s largest technical society dedicated to the global aerospace profession. Created in 1963 by the merger of the two great aerospace societies of the day, the American Rocket Society (founded in 1930 as the American Interplanetary Society), and the Institute of the Aerospace Sciences (established in 1933 as the Institute of the Aeronautical Sciences). AIAA carries forth a proud tradition of more than 80 years of aerospace leadership.
AIME = American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineer
Founded in 1871 by 22 mining engineers in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania. AIME was one of the first national engineering societies established in the United States, and, along with ASCE (civil), ASME (mechanical), IEEE (electrical), and AIChE (chemical), it is known as an Engineering Founder Society. Together, the engineering Founder Societies form the United Engineering Foundation (UEF).
ASCE = American Society of Civil Engineers
The American Society of Civil Engineers represents more than 150,000 members of the civil engineering profession in 177 countries. Founded in 1852, ASCE is the nation’s oldest engineering society.
ASCE stands at the forefront of a profession that plans, designs, constructs, and operates society’s economic and social engine — the built environment — while protecting and restoring the natural environment. Through the expertise of its active membership, ASCE is a leading provider of technical and professional conferences and continuing education, the world’s largest publisher of civil engineering content, and an authoritative source for codes and standards that protect the public.
ASME = American Society of Mechanical Engineers
ASME is a not-for-profit membership organization that enables collaboration, knowledge sharing, career enrichment, as well as skills development across all engineering disciplines, toward a goal of helping the global engineering community develop solutions to benefit lives and livelihoods. Founded in 1880 by a small group of leading industrialists, ASME has grown through the decades to include more than 100,000 members in 140+ countries. Thirty-two thousand of these members are students.
From college students and early-career engineers to project managers, corporate executives, researchers as well as academic leaders, ASME’s members are as diverse as the engineering community itself. ASME serves this wide-ranging technical community through quality programs. Programs also include continuing education, training and professional development, codes and standards, research, conferences and publications, government relations and other forms of outreach.
IIE = Institute of Industrial Engineers
Industrial and systems engineers make things better in any industry. From automobile manufacturing and aerospace, to healthcare, forestry, finance, leisure, as well as education. The Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers, founded in 1948, helps its members improve complex organizations around the world and across industries. Throughout their careers, members turn to IISE for tools and connections that provide an integrated and systemic perspective to business challenges. Solving complex problems is our common objective.
IISE, the world’s largest professional society dedicated solely to the support of the profession, is an international, nonprofit association. IISE provides leadership for the application, education, training, research, and development of industrial and systems engineering.
Engineering Resources for Electrical Engineers
IEEE = American Institute of Electrical Engineers
IEEE is the world’s largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity. Below, you can find IEEE’s mission and vision statements.
Mission: IEEE’s core purpose is to foster technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity.
Vision: IEEE will be essential to the global technical community and to technical professionals everywhere, as well as be universally recognized for the contributions of technology and of technical professionals in improving global conditions.
Engineering Resources for Women
SWE = Society of Women Engineers
For more than six decades, SWE has given women engineers a unique place and voice within the engineering industry. Our organization is centered around a passion for our members’ success. The SWE also continues to evolve with the challenges and opportunities reflected in today’s exciting engineering and technology specialties.
We invite you to explore the values, principles, as well as priorities that guide our initiatives and learn how together. WE can continue to make a lasting impact on the future.
Wrapping It Up
Familiar with additional Engineering Resources? Please let us know.
For more information on Wire Harness Manufacturing, please check out these helpful links below:
- Wire Harness Manufacturing: A Wire Assembly Application Guide
- Wire Harness Manufacturer: Tips for Outsourcing Your Wire Harness Assembly
- Instant Wire Harness Estimate
- Wire Harness Manufacturing Terms, Tools, and Tips of the Trade
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